Thursday, November 3, 2022

How To Deal With An Angry Hotel Guest

When you are working in the hospitality industry, the first thing customers expect from you is politeness and courteousness. This expectation is all the more pronounced when a customer is upset about a service and feels like howling. No doubt dealing with an upset hotel customer is an extremely challenging task and it requires tremendous experience along with some basic training.

Here are some advanced steps to follow by hotel employees while dealing with an upset or angry customer at hotel front desk.

Never Argue on Whose Mistake it Was

A customer who is upset about something has an emotional angle to it and it cannot be resolved by logical arguments. The best service that you can do to such a customer is to help him vent out all his frustration. This will help him feel better. He may rather reconcile about the whole issue himself while he has attained his cool.

Avoid Taking Things Personally

There is no doubt that an upset customer is most likely to behave rudely and arrogantly and this could hurt your sentiments. You have to really work to train yourself to not to take things personally. This is one of the most essential qualities that anybody working for the hospitality industry should posses.

Do not Lose your Calm and be Kind

While a customer is shouting at you, and many of the things he would be speaking would sound absurd or untrue to you, but you have to still remain calm and polite. You need to impress on your mind that as a hospitality industry professionally your job is to help the customer. The best way to appease a customer in this situation is to express sympathy and empathize with him for the problem he would have faced. This will ensure the issue is not aggravated, and is rather resolved on a happy note. This is the best way to deal with an upset customer.

Get a Handle on the Facts of the Problem

An agitated customer is likely to be a bit irrational and also not very clear in his communication. This is probably because of being emotionally disturbed. But once you think the customer has retained his calm, you can ask polite questions to gather more information on the incident. This will help you resolve the problem better and effectively.

Try to Solve the Problem

If you think the problem of the customer can be resolved, the first thing you need to do is work towards a best potential solution to his problem. This is the ideal way to assuage a dissatisfied customer. If resolving the problem is not in the scope of powers conferred to the employee, the employee can appropriately escalate the issue to a colleague who can take care of things.

Be Fair

While trying to resolve a customer issue, it is important that you retain the sense of fairness. If you believe the hotel is at fault, make sure that you compensate the customer accordingly. It may not make sense for you to go overboard in an effort to pacify the customer.

Follow Up

Once the issue has been resolved and the customer has checked out, it is advised that you remain in touch with the customer. The hotel can send a regret note and thus make the customer feel that he is a valued one. If the hotel finds it appropriate for the situation, they can even offer a special discount to the customer as a compensation for the agony the customer went through.

Hospitality Guide(For All Department information)

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