Thursday, November 3, 2022

Late Checkout Process and Procedure for Fort Office

Late checkouts are those guest who had not vacated the room even after the hotels normal checkout time. Eg: 12:00 hrs checkout time.

It is depends upon the management policy that late checkout request will be accommodated at no charge or all late checkouts will be charged with and additional late checkout fee.

Example Late check out fee calculation Internationally:

1.    Checkout between 12:01 hrs to 14:00 hrs - 15 % of room rate.

(Depend on room availability & management).

2.    Checkout between 14:01 hrs to 16:00 hrs - 20 % of room rate.

3.    Checkout between 16:01 hrs to 18:00 hrs - 50 % of room rate.

4.    Checkout between 18:01 hrs to 00:00 hrs - Full room rate.

  • At the time of guest registration process front desk staff usually specify that there is an additional charge for checkout after the established hour.
  • But normally when possible, Front desk should try to accommodate late checkout requests at no charge. (As per the management policy).
  • At 12:00 hrs (hotels standard checkout time) daily, the duty manager should print the list of all due-out guests lists.
  • A follow-up call should be made to the guest room or to the guest booker (in case the guest is not reachable) and reconfirm the departure time.
  • Duty manger should enter appropriate remarks on the system along with the new expected time of departure.
  • If the guest request for a late checkout then:
  • Check the hotel position and reconfirm back to the guest if this request for late checkout can be accommodated (without/without additional charge).
  • If you are unable to accommodate a late checkout request, then necessary arrangements should be made for storage of guest luggage and also suggest guests about other hotel facilities Eg: SPA, Swimming pool etc.
  • Once the late checkout request is approved by the front desk, the receptionist must enter the new time of departure on to the reservation record of the hotel software.
  • An appropriate Remarks or Traces should be also put in, so that the managers or other front desk staffs know that a late checkout has been approved for this guest while performing the follow-up call.
  • Notify Housekeeping department of the actual expected checkout time.
  • When the guest does check out of the room, Housekeeping should be notified immediately, so the room can be made up as soon as possible.
  • The latest a guest may check out without additional charge is 18:00hrs. After this time, the full rate must apply, as housekeeping cannot normally make these rooms up in time to resell them.
  • In case of any guest disputes, then the Front Office Manager will have the discretion of granting late checkouts under exceptional circumstances.

Hospitality Guide(For All Department information)

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