Thursday, November 3, 2022

Modes of Reservation in Hotel

The mode of reservations tells the hotel management how the reservation has reached the hotel. For example, a reservation request may reach the hotel through traditional methods like a written mode such as letter, fax, telex or e-mail or through a verbal mode like telephone or in-person etc. In this modern era, the majority of the reservation is via online modes like website, OTA, mobile apps, social media etc.

1. Written Mode:

Letter - This mode is commonly used by travel agentstour operators, companies and corporate houses who send in their reservation request to the hotel on their company letterheads. The hotel will make the reservation as per the details are given in the letter.

Fax - Fax or facsimile transmission uses electronic scanning technique to send copies of a document over an ordinary telephone line over a special machine that prints identical copies of the document. This makes it possible to send a reservation request instantaneously. Hotels process the request as per details and send the confirmation letter to the guest.

Telex - or Tele Printer Exchange involves the use of specialized telephone lines, where the message is communicated in a written form.

E-mail - The most common method of communication E-mail is an electronic mail that makes it possible to contact the hotel instantaneously. The hotel will process the reservation request on the basis of the details given. This mode of reservation is fast and very convenient.

2. Verbal Mode:

Reservation requests may also reach the hotel through verbal mode or oral communication i.e. in person or over the telephone. The advantage of oral communication is that it generates immediate response and feedback and is very fast and convenient. Additionally, the guest can get complete information and clear any doubts through oral communication.

The disadvantage of the Verbal mode is that it does not provide a permanent record or correspondence of the agreed booking terms and conditions.

In-Person- If an individual or a representative goes to the hotel to book rooms for future it is termed as an In-Person reservation. When an individual comes to the hotel and requests a room for the day it is termed as a Walk-In Reservation. The hotel processes the rooms according to the details given by the guest and issues a confirmation number and a letter if the reservation is made for future and assigns a room if the guest requests for one for the same day.

Telephone- The most common method of direct reservation communications, a prospective guest may telephone the hotel directly. The reservation assistant takes the information sequentially as per the script. Most of the hotels these days have high-end systems that record a call which can be used later on for training purpose.

3. Online Mode:

The online mode is the preferred mode of booking in this era of internet, web and mobile. The main advantage of the online mode is that the hotels are always available for reservations and generate an instant confirmation voucher as per the real-time availability.

Other advantages with the online mode are that the hotel can also ask the guests to make a prepayment for the reservations well in advance and reduce the chance of no-shows.

Web: Guest making a booking via a web browser like hotels website or booking engine, different online travel agent - OTA's, review sites like TripAdvisor etc.

Mobile App: Bookings delivered via hotels own or third-party mobile apps.

Social Media: Bookings made via different social media like facebook, twitter, Instagram etc.



Hospitality Guide(For All Department information)

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